About Sleep Studies

Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by a reduction or pauses of breathing (airflow) during sleep. The primary objective test for obstructive sleep apnea is polysomnography, also referred to as a sleep study.

A sleep study involves spending at least one night at the sleep center. You will enjoy a comfortable, private room, much like a hotel room. During your study, electrodes are attached to your body which transmit and record your sleep patterns and specific information about your physical activities, such as breathing, brain waves, heart activity and eye and muscle movements, while you sleep. The recordings become data, which is analyzed by Sleep Center physicians and staff to determine the nature of your sleep disorder.

Sleep apnea symptoms/warning signs:
Sleep apnea complications:
Frequently Asked Questions

Each patient has a private room, bathroom and TV in the sleep center. 

Sleep studies typically last from 9:30 p.m. until 7 a.m.

The sleep study should not hurt. If you do have pain or other concerns, the sleep tech can help. 

Some studies can happen at home. If you need the study to diagnose sleep apnea and you don’t have any neurological conditions, we may be able to do your study at home. Talk to US.
We use the highest level of sleep study equipment. In some cases, we’ll use continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) to test for severe obstructive sleep apnea during part or all of the study.
Frequently Asked Questions (Before the study)
Limit or avoid caffeine and Alcohol in the afternoon before your sleep study.
Bring items that will help you sleep. If your own pillow and pajamas help, bring them.
Continue taking your regular medications unless your sleep provider tells you not to. Do not take any sleep aids or sedatives before the sleep study.

If snacks help you get through the night, bring them.

Frequently Asked Questions (During the study)
Some sleep studies may wake you up. However, we do what we can to help you sleep the entire time.
That is normal. The sleep tech will help you use the bathroom when you need to.
We often process, score and analyze the study data within 1 weeks.
Not covered in insurance.

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